Breeding a Classical Horse for a Modern Time

Hi my name is Shannon Desrosiers, I own and operate a small Andalusian breeding program. I moved out to a small ranch 35 minutes east of Edmonton in July 2007. This ranch became known as “ Sleepy Hollow Ranch”. I was introduced to the Andalusian several years ago, when I bred my Arabian mare to a purebred Andalusian stallion. The result was a wonderful combination of versatility and heart. The breed demonstrates an intelligence, willingness and grace that gets passed on to its offspring whether purebred or other crosses. We are a family oriented business and we expect our future expansion to move towards a stronger breeding program of Andalusians producing affordable,
competitive, and family horses.
competitive, and family horses.

I believe in giving our youngsters regular
handling. A strong foundation in ground work is given to each and every foal on our farm. Please feel free to email or phone any questions regarding our stock
or our farm.
Phone: (780) 920 6619
handling. A strong foundation in ground work is given to each and every foal on our farm. Please feel free to email or phone any questions regarding our stock
or our farm.
Phone: (780) 920 6619